
Showing posts with the label big leaf

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Healthy Plants in Your Home

How to growing money Plants.   Growing money plants, also known as pothos or devil's ivy, is relatively easy and can be done both indoors and outdoors. Here is a detailed guide on how to grow money plants: 1. Choosing a pot and soil:    - Money plants can be grown in either plastic or clay pots. Ensure the pot has good drainage holes.    - Use a well-draining potting mix or a mixture of equal parts of garden soil, compost, and perlite. 2. Planting the cutting:    - Take a 6-inch long stem cutting from a healthy, mature money plant.    - Remove the bottom leaves and place the cutting in a glass of clean water, making sure that only the nodes are submerged.    - Change the water every 2-3 days, and after around 2 weeks, you will notice small roots developing.    - Once the roots are about 1-2 inches long, it's time to plant the cutting in a pot. 3. Planting in a pot:    - Fill the pot with the prepared soil mi...

Fiddle-leaf Fig A Species Ff Fig Trees, Banjo Fig , Botanical Name Ficus Lyrata.

 Know about the fiddle-leaf (Ficus lyrata) the wonderful tree and big leaf. Description  As its name implies, the fiddle-leaf fig has leaves that are shaped like a violin. wildly popular as as  house plant,the fiddle-leaf fig makes an architectural statment with its unique and lush leaves. However, please be aware that  this plant is finicky and can be hard to keep alive. Conditions requirement difficulty rating. Growing fiddle-leaf fig is easy long as you can give them what they need . They are sensitive to certain types of pests and disease. Sunlight: Full sun, Full shade, Partial sun Hardness : 30f Harness Zone: 10 to 12  Soil: Sand , Loam, chalky, Clay, Acidic, Neutral, Alkaline. Care guide water.   The fiddle- leaf fig should be watered approximately weekly in a well-drained pot. Over watering and under watering can cause grow issues. the soil should be kept slightly moist d be allowed to dry out in between watering . Brown or drooping leav...