
Showing posts with the label yellow trumpetbushes

Yellow bells A species of Trumpetbushes,Tecoma stans.

 Yellow trumpetflower botanical name tecoma stans. Description   Although yellow bells are pleasing to the eye with their beautiful bright flowers the plant is considered an invasive weed in many countries. This plant is native to the southern United States Mexico the Caribbean Peru and Ecuador and is often found along roadsides and other desert areas. Condition Requirements  Difficulty Yellow bells are easy to care for and resistant to almost all pests and diseases. This is an excellent choice for gardeners with grey thumbs. Take Care Guide And Water. Condition Requirements Difficulty Yellow bells are easy to care for and resistant to almost all pests and diseases. This is an excellent choice for gardeners with grey thumbs. Fertilization:   Fertilization once every 2-3 months during the growing season. Pruning:  Trim the diseased, withered leaves once a month. Planting Time:   Spring, Fall Harvest Time :  Summer, Fall Propagation:  ...