Bleeding -heart vine a species of glorybowers, bagflower.Beauty-bush

 Bleeding-heart vine Botanical name Clerodendrum thomsoniae


Bleeding-heart vine (clerodendrum thomsonae)

is a bushy, evergreen vine with shiny green leaves and tropical looking flowers. It grows well on a trellis and can grow to 15 feet long. Clusters of rich red and white blossom bloom year-round but m ost prominently in summer. It prefers full sunlight but can tolerate partial shade.

How do you take care of a bleeding-heart vine?

The bleeding-heart vine is often used as a hedge or a bush,or grown in pots and containers. Some climbing varieties can also be used to cover trellises. The plants are easy to grow and will thrive and provided with enough water.

Bloodheart Wine Difficulty Rank

 Requirements are not difficult to maintain. With proper care your bleeding-heart vine will grow well in certain environments.

Care Instructions and Water.

 Bleeding Heart vine does best in consistently moist soil. Water when the soil surface is dry. You can use an organic mulch to protect the root zone from water damage but do not allow the mulch to touch the vines trunk.


Fertilization once in spring.

Pruning: Trim the diseased, withered leaves once a month.

Planting Time:  Spring, Fall

Harvest Time:  Mid spring, Late summer

Propagation:  Cutting, Division, Sowing

Potting Suggestions:  It is recommended to be repotted every 1-2 years.

Pests and Diseases:  Glasshouse red spider mite, glasshouse whitefly


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