Common lantana shurb verbenas, yellow sage Spanish flag.

 Common lantana West Indian lantana. The common lantana is flowering plant that grows best in tropical environments.


Common lantana is a flowering plant that thrives in tropical climates. It spread beyond the Americas when the Dutch brought it to Europe. The plant is often considered a biodiversity-reducing weed. In addition it is toxic to livestock and damages farmland production.

What animals are affected by common lantana toxins? 

Common lantana contains triterpene acids that can cause many adverse effects in animals. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Is Common Lantana Toxic? 

Common Lantana (Lantana camara) is a tropical flowering shrub native to Central and South America. Its popularity as an ornamental plant was naturalized in the modern tropics where it spread mainly in the 19th century. Today it is found on all continents except Antarctica and is a weed especially in Australia India and South Africa covering millions of hectares. Seeds are spread by birds. The common Lantana prefers undisturbed lands such as rainforest edge railroads and roads. It is spread by these activities as they cannot enter natural forests unless they are damaged by logging or wildfires.


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